Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cans for Comments, Thank You to All of our Participants!

Thank you all for all of your support during our Cans for Comments Drive!

We had an amazing turn out...40 Comments! ! YAY! We had one CfC participant who added multiple comments, You ROCK Inanda! So we decided to match her generosity and DOUBLE, yes DOUBLE her comments, putting us at 44 donations! WOO HOO!

We are so excited to have participated in this amazing program, and want to send a HUGE thank you to all of you that left comments to help those in need this holiday! Your comment may have been short and sweet, but it has helped in a tremendous way! Thank you ALL!!

Check back later because in spirit of giving we have decided to donate a complete holiday package for a family in need. For more details please check back later! We are thrilled to be a part of this program as well!

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