Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to Everyone!

We had an amazing year and would like to thank all of our returning clients as well as new ones! From our family to yours have a happy holiday and here's to an amazing new year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Newborn Model Search...Take II

Here is our second part of our Newborn Model Search that took place in November. Yes, I am behind, but those holidays creep up so fast! Lana was about four weeks old and as cute as can be! When I got there she was sound asleep then we began and she was wide awake, but content. I swear I will have a baby that sleeps the entire time someday.
Until then heck out a few of my favorites from our session!

This one was dad's idea...and what a good one?!
Close to my favorite shot from this year!

I just love her little toes!

Thanks again Radtke Family!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cans for Comments, Thank You to All of our Participants!

Thank you all for all of your support during our Cans for Comments Drive!

We had an amazing turn out...40 Comments! ! YAY! We had one CfC participant who added multiple comments, You ROCK Inanda! So we decided to match her generosity and DOUBLE, yes DOUBLE her comments, putting us at 44 donations! WOO HOO!

We are so excited to have participated in this amazing program, and want to send a HUGE thank you to all of you that left comments to help those in need this holiday! Your comment may have been short and sweet, but it has helped in a tremendous way! Thank you ALL!!

Check back later because in spirit of giving we have decided to donate a complete holiday package for a family in need. For more details please check back later! We are thrilled to be a part of this program as well!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cans for Comments

Hey All!! Wanted to spread the word and have you help up out our local community...For every comment you leave I will donate one can of non-perishable food items to a local food bank, The Neighbor's Place, Wausau, WI!!

And did I mention?! We are the only photographer in Wisconsin running this program though Cans for Comments! WOO HOO! Check out the link below for more info about this program.

We will be accepting comments until December 15th, 2009. So get typing people!

Last year, Chris+Lynn Photographers started something they called Cans for Comments as a way of sharing the blog love they received and giving back to the community. Many others got on the can-wagon and raised a ton of food for their local food banks.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ellis Family

My blog hasn't been updated in forever. SORRY!! I promise to make it up! Here is the Ellis Family! They recently just moved here from Philadelphia and wanted to get some family photos before Cauvin, 8 months get any bigger. Our family knows that all too well. You will see how adorable these two little ones are! Adelaide, 2 years was just delightful! She was keeping an eye on me. Here is a preview from their session.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Eli...4 weeks Old

Meet Eli! We meet when he was four weeks old. He was so good during our session...coo-ing away the entire time. Their little sounds just melt your heart! Here are my favorites from our session!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall Colors

Can't believe all the snow today! I am VERY EXCITED for winter this year. Totally out of character for me. Wanted to remember fall one last time while the snow falls here....Here was a quick photo shoot we did with the kids before the sun went down.

Happy Thanksgiving....Here's to a happy Holiday Season!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Keilblock Family...Scandinavia, WI

Last weekend I met with the Kielblock family! This was my first trip to Scandinavia area and it is absolutely GORGEOUS! Definitely another one of Wisconsin's hidden gems.
We went all over town to the business park, the bowling alley and the lake....As you can see Kevin and Teresa have their hands full with Mackenzie, 8 and the twins, Payton & Taylor, 6. Had a great time with these girls! It can be hard to get a bigger family to pay attention but these girls were so excited and ready to have fun they made me more excited too! All around fun group! Check out a few from our session! YAY!

Thanks again Keilblock Family!
Can't wait to show you the rest!

Eric & Jessica Married! Rothschild, WI

You may remember Eric & Jessica from their engagement session earlier this summer. Well, yesterday these two were married at Good Shepard Lutheran Church by Pastor Meachen. Everyone was in high spirits to say the least as these two expressed their love for one another.
We were all expecting rain but it turned out to be a spectacular day! The reception and dance continued at the Rothschild Pavillion...a MUST see venue! They decorated simply, yet elegantly and it was gorgeous!! Rockman's Catering also took care of the food, which is always delicious!!

Loved this dress!

Meet the Girls

and...The Boys

My favorite shot of the day!

Stunning Bride!

Thanks again to Eric & Jessica! It was an honor to be a part of your day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Scribner Family...Stevens Point, WI

This past weekend I met with The Scribner Family! They were my first clients in Wisconsin WOO HOO!! Their daughter Kennedy I have been photographing since she was 6 months old! It has been so much fun watching her grow. This weekend was the first time I got to have mom and dad in the photos too YAY! When I first met her she was just sitting up and now she is very independent. So much fun to be a part of documenting her as she has grown up.
Here is a sneak peak from our session!

Thanks again!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Graveeen Grandchildren...Weston, WI

All fourteen Graveen Grandchildren met with us last weekend in Weston to update their Grandma's Portrait. Since the last time they met, 15 years ago, there have been three additions to the family! Needless to say, we updated and they all look great!

Since we had all the family together we had a few mini sessions! Here are a few of those as well!!

LOL! These three were hilarious!

Thanks again to everybody!