Monday, September 3, 2012

Eagle River Photographer + Dhondt Family

Sorry to be blowing up the blogspot. But we have had so many fun sessions that we've been dying to share with you! What better way to spend this Labor day but by looking back at the summer.

This summer has been full of fun travels for ZoroPhoto. We were recently asked to come up to Eagle River where we met the Dhondt family at their beautiful summer home. On our drive up we got to see the sun try to break through the extremely foggy conditions. In photography you are always looking for the best light and we couldn't have asked for more for the Dhondt family session. Even though it was a little foggy we had fun with it! I even got in the lake for a few shots! Nothing like rolling up your pants to get right in! lol. 
Here are a few of our favorites from our foggy session.


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